
Building your organization to radically transform the lives of your team

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Christian co-founded the Talent Acceleration Platform (TAP) to bridge the gap between untapped talent and global career opportunities. He believes there needs to be a big shift in how humanity and technology coexist; a shift that can be achieved via equal opportunities and remote jobs.

Talent Acceleration Platform (TAP) is on a mission to help (remote) startups build exceptional teams, by helping them fill positions with overlooked diverse talent. TAP identifies young tech talent in communities like Palestine and Jordan, and trains them intensively on both technical- and soft skills to get them job-ready for international companies.

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Co-founder & CEO


Christian co-founded the Talent Acceleration Platform (TAP) to bridge the gap between untapped talent and global career opportunities. He believes there needs to be a big shift in how humanity and technology coexist; a shift that can be achieved via equal opportunities and remote jobs.

Talent Acceleration Platform (TAP) is on a mission to help (remote) startups build exceptional teams, by helping them fill positions with overlooked diverse talent. TAP identifies young tech talent in communities like Palestine and Jordan, and trains them intensively on both technical- and soft skills to get them job-ready for international companies.

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