
When should you employ, contract or outsource? How we built a model to scale our operations to 12 Countries in under 18 months

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In this talk, Bridget is going to set out how her team is employed, hired, and retained inside YCBM, using a model that allows them to easily onboard new team members, regardless of their employment status. There are 4 main ways you can contract someone to work for you –  from outsourcing and individual contractors, to employing internationally via one of the 3rd Party hiring platforms, or direct employment. 

They use all four! Each type suits a different set of priorities. Together you can build and scale your operations which achieve your ultimate goals – team happiness, motivation, and retention.

Access the slide deck here.




Bridget is an entrepreneur and co-founder of She leads a team of over 30 people in a multi million pound, profitable business, with 22,000 customers and over a million people making bookings every month. Bridget used her background as a former Special Advisor in government, politics and leadership, to champion values of transparency, internationalism, and strong company culture at YouCanBookme. She leads on all strategic finance and business operations for the company.

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