
How to design your business on your own terms and sell it (if you want to)

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Ilma Tiki, founder of is going to bring us through the story of the growth of her company and eventual acquisition over a 10 year period. On top of the tactics of how to sell a remote first company, Ilma will also break down how to build a company you love which counterintuitively became one of the best ways to sell it.

Access the slide deck here.


Co-founder & President


Ilma Tiki is the co-founder and the President of MailerLite.

In the last 12 years:

  • Her son was born and they traveled together to more than 40+ countries
    Bootstrapped MailerLite to a global brand that is used by almost 2 million businesses
  • Created a remote team that is based in 35 countries and 14 time zones
  • Sold MailerLite for 90m to a Polish public company, Vercom
  • Moved to New York
  • Wrote a book 'Leaving the Base Camp'

Ilma believes everyone can build a successful global business on their terms. You can have it all if you dare to dream and leave your comfort zone.

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