
Change management: transitioning to remote/hybrid

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Tracy Keogh, CEO @ Grow Remote
Joanne Mangan, Employers Lead @Grow Remote

Grow Remote is an award-winning social enterprise that makes remote employment local. In 2018, they made their kit for building local communities public. By 2020, there were 130+ local community leaders building local communities.

Having more than 10 years of experience in technology startups, Tracy spent the last few years in community development in regional and rural Ireland.

She is also working on a cross-divisional central task force at the Bank of Ireland, supporting the organization in embedding remote work across the enterprise.

Slides for this presentation are available here.


Employer Lead

Grow Remote


Joanne Mangan is the Employers Lead at Grow Remote.

Grow Remote is an award-winning social enterprise that makes remote employment local. In 2018, they made their kit for building local communities public. By 2020, there were 130+ local community leaders building local communities.


grow-remote logo


Tracy is the co-founder of one of the largest remote communities, Grow Remote.

Having more than 10 years of experience in technology startups, Tracy spent the last few years in community development in regional and rural Ireland.

She is also working on a cross-divisional central task force at the Bank of Ireland, supporting the organization in embedding remote work across the enterprise

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