Ruxandra Cord

A human being of few words, thinking in bullet points and pursuing a journey of meaningful touchpoints. Educated as a journalist, then turned to PR and crisis communication for about 15 years, collaborating with global powerhouses like British Airways and Discovery Networks.

Enrolled into an entrepreneurial EMBA with the clear intention of changing my frame of reference while also getting the best training as a team coach.

For the past 7 years, I implemented systemic team coaching in +50 companies worldwide. Currently I am the co-founder of theCoRD, the AI solution that coaches distributed teams in the workflow and reveals how the company is running the business. Learning to see the world in fractals, as magic lies in recognizing patterns and changing them if possible.

I am also a member of the “Women Defining AI” community, participating in collaborative work, including perspective papers designed to give managers a fresh perspective on integrating genAI into their daily routines and teams.

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