
Ruth Annus

Director General of Citizenship and Migration Policy Department
Ministry of Interior, Estonia

Ruth Annus is Director General of Citizenship and Migration Policy Department at the Ministry of Interior of Estonia.
Designing identity management policy, identity documents policy and based on these citizenship and migration policy are within her responsibilities.
Ruth has been working at the Ministry of the Interior since 2000. She has participated actively in developing of Estonian e-ID and digital identity policy from the very beginning. Ruth is cofounder of Estonian e-residency program launched in 2014.
As a top expert of the field, Ruth has been promoting the concept of secure identity management policy and cooperation in the field at the global and regional level in several international forums.
Ruth has experience in coordinating the development of policies mentioned before in the rapidly changing environment of the globalized world.
Designing policy processes, legal argumentation, drafting legislation and the implementation has been part of her
everyday job for years. Ruth obtained magister iuris degree in 2007 at University of Tartu in Faculty of Law and she is specialized in administrative law. She has taught citizenship and migration law at Tallinn School of Economics for years and currently she teaches the course of international and European Union migration law at Tallinn University.

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