Job van der Voort


Job van der Voort is the CEO of Remote makes it possible to employ anyone, anywhere.  Their mission is to simplify how companies employ the best talent globally, and help remote organizations do their best work. is a major sponsor of Running Remote Online 2020.

Before founding Remote, Job worked as neuroscientist, and led product of the now-largest distributed company in the world, GitLab.

Job will speak about —

Building Your All-Remote Company: Pitfalls and Advantages of a Fully Remote Workforce

Fully remote workforces enjoy a host of advantages over traditional teams, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to build. Companies that switched to remote work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic should tread carefully before making the change permanent.

Join Job van der Voort, CEO of Remote and former VP of Product at GitLab, as he leads a panel discussion with some of the brightest minds at the forefront of the distributed workforce movement.

Learn how to scale your remote team, how to build a sustainable remote culture, and what to expect when you make the switch.

By the end of this discussion, you will have all the tools you need to lead your company into the remote-first future.

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