Meet Dave Cairns, a dynamic and unconventional individual whose life and career have defied typical norms. With a diverse background that encompasses professional poker, office leasing, and thought leadership on the Future of Work, Dave brings a unique perspective to the table.
Driven by his analytical capabilities, risk tolerance, and people skills, Dave transitioned into the role of an office leasing broker. Over the past 11 years, he has been an integral part of 1,000+ office lease negotiations, facilitating over 6 million square feet of leasing for major global corporations and the coworking sector.
More recently, Dave joined an exciting startup called Kadence, recognizing the importance of platforms that support distributed work at scale. Dave’s passion for the Future of Work extends beyond his professional endeavours. As an online writer and influential voice, he has become a leading authority on the subject, always venturing beyond the surface of the future of work and living.
Dave used to call Toronto, Canada, home but now lives on Prince Edward Island with his wife Amanda and daughter Elle.