
Unconscious Biases: How To Recognize, Tackle And Transform Them Into Engines Of Growth In Your Organization

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The post-pandemic world of work has created a new challenge for us: location-related unconscious biases.

While we all have certain biases, we also need to be aware that, left unattended, unconscious biases can truly limit our people and organizations’ potential for growth.


  • How we can recognize and tackle our biases, so they don’t limit us and our companies.
  • How we can turn biases into real engines of diversity, inspiration and innovations in our remote and hybrid organizations.

Moderator: Cristina Muntean, Founder, Media Trainer & Coach @ Media Education CEE

Cristina Muntean is a consultant, trainer, mentor and coach who specializes in personal branding, strategic communications, emotional and systemic intelligence for leadership. A former journalist with more than 12 years of experience in the Czech, Romanian and international media, she founded Media Education CEE, a strategic communications and people development agency in Prague in May 2010.

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Cristina Muntean is a former business journalist turned strategic communications and personal development consultant, trainer and coach. She specializes in strategic communications skills (Media Training, Crisis Communications, Writing for the Media, Brand Journalism, Presentation Skills, Storytelling for Business, Personal Branding and Image Management, Strategic Communication Skills for Women) and personal development with a focus on emotional intelligence in communications.

Cristina practiced journalism for 12 years in Romanian, Czech and international media. In May 2010 she launched her company, Media Education CEE, a Prague-based integrated communications and training agency.

Media Education CEE provides advisory, training and executive services in the field of integrated communications, including strategy set-up, content management and media relations, in the Czech Republic and across Central and Eastern Europe. Media Education CEE boosts company visibility in traditional and digital media, manages reputation and handles issues and crisis communication. The company focuses mainly on clients from the HR, IT, legal and finance industries.

Cristina is also a prolific trainer, mentor and coach. For the last seven years she conducted more than 500 training sessions on strategic communications, media relations and personal development for Top100 companies in the Czech Republic and across CEE.

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