
Re-invent your leadership style so that your distributed team outperforms your in-office teams

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If you adopt these leadership practices, you will enable your distributed team to outperform in-office teams.

Whether at the C-level or line manager level, leaders of distributed organizations face new challenges that must be addressed with new perspectives and behaviors.

Companies of all types and sizes are now letting go of the office and embracing ‘remote’ working because they believe in the benefits of distributed organizations. The most compelling but least understood of these benefits is increased organizational performance, or the “superpowers of distributed companies”. To reach for these higher levels of performance, companies must fundamentally rethink how they work, but there has not been enough focus on the ways leaders of distributed companies need to think and act differently.

From his unique point of view as the CEO of a rapidly-growing fully-distributed company that caters to the needs of distributed companies, Tony Jamous will share insights leaders can apply to their own organizations.







Tony Jamous is the CEO and founder of Oyster, the company that believes anything is possible remotely. As a distributed talent enablement platform, Oyster are making remote work a reality for everyone . The new land of opportunity is anywhere with internet. Are you ready?

In 2010, Tony started Nexmo, API Platform for building communication applications. Nexmo grew rapidly to $100m in revenues in less than 5 years and eventually became public in 2016 after merging with Vonage (VG:Nasdaq). Nexmo hired people in over 50 countries. Delivering a great employee experience for all our distributed workforce was a major challenge. This has led him to appreciate the value of Oyster.

Tony is also a tech investor and you view his portfolio on crunchbase.

He is passionate about making an impact aligned with his values, and he believes anyone can achieve their full potential, regardless of where they are located.

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